Friday, July 8, 2011

PRECIOUS, Easy DIY Mason Jar Lanterns!!

{Image found on Brilliant Event Planning}

I am obsessed with these mason jar lanterns! Such a great way to add light to an indoor or outdoor wedding/reception in a chic, affordable way. There are several ways to personalize these too! For the basic mason jar lantern you need:

Mason Jars
Small Candles
Some Type of Filler

You might have the mason jars in your cabinent, or you can usually find them in bulk at yard sales or second hand stores. For a filler you can use anything from colored sugar crystals to sand or dirt. Personalize it to your wedding theme or venue.


You can also replace the filler and candles with flowers for cute hanging bouquets! Or nix the wire altogehter and use them as center pieces! Mason jars are so versitle you can dress them up with ribbon and dollies, wrap a piece of fabric or burlap around them, or keep them plain and simple.

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